Professor Jeff Richardson
Position: Foundation Director of the Centre for Health Economics (CHE)
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Profile: Professor Jeff Richardson is a Professor in the Faculty of Business and Economics at Monash University. He is Foundation Director of the Centre for Health Economics, an Adjunct Associate of Stanford University, California and Honorary Professor at the University of South Australia. Previously he was an Associate Professor in the School of Economic and Financial Studies at Macquarie University. For six years he was a Visiting Fellow at the ANU Health Economics Research Unit. He has worked with the World Health Organization and the Australian Development Assistance Bureau.
Professor Richardson received his doctorate in 1978 for a dissertation on the economics of health insurance. Subsequent research interests have included the econometric modelling of hospital and medical supply and demand, analyses of doctors’ incomes, medical fees, medical practices, resource based medical fees and the affect of the growth of the doctor supply and the geographic distribution of doctors across Australia; alcohol and tobacco use, international health care systems, the chiropractic industry, the effects of privatisation and regulation in Australia, health care technology and its diffusion, voluntary euthanasia, the health care problems of Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Fiji and the South Pacific, health outcomes, the creation of MAU instruments for the evaluation of quality adjusted life years, conceptual problems with QALYs and conceptual problems with economic evaluation.
His current work includes (i) completion, use and validation of the AQoL 8D (‘PsyQoL’) in psychiatry, smokers, dermatology, youth and the obese, a comparison of the TTO weights with standard PWI (happiness) scores and recalibration of AQoL 8D using ‘self TTO’ and RS-WTP (Relative Social Willingness to Pay) weights; (ii) development of the RS-WTP ‘social utility’ instrument and its use to measure the effect of patient characteristics and health state severity upon social utility scores; (iii) development of a web based instrument for measuring the importance of sharing versus cost minimisation in economic evaluation.
Professor Richardson has published over 155 articles in journals and has edited chapters, and 200 other reports, working papers and notes. He has been on the editorial boards of 7 journals including Health Economics and the Journal of Health Economics, on the Scientific Committee of the International Health Economist’s Association conferences for 11 years, a member of the Pharmaceutical Remuneration Tribunal for 11 years and was the President of the Australian Health Economics Group from 1984 to 1991. He chaired the 2004 enquiry into the Tasmanian Health System.
Professor Jeff Richardson - Monash profile