Validity has been largely tested in the literature by convergent validity – a correlation between an instrument and a second ‘validated’ instrument. This is necessary but not sufficient for a satisfactory instrument (even if the second instrument is truly valid). An instrument with poor construct validity may simultaneously correlate highly with another (criterion) instrument. Two cases are illustrated below. Insensitivity: In the first case, insensitivity (strictly a subset of content invalidity) may occur when there are insufficient items in an instrument or too few categories to fully capture a dimension affect. In Figure 2 true utility (True U) on the vertical axis will be recorded by instrument Z on the horizontal axis as 0.0 until it reaches a ‘switch point’ of ‘a’ when the average recorded response becomes ‘al’. True utility must rise to ‘b’ before recorded utility switches to bl, etc. As a result, a program which increases true utility by an amount ‘A’ will record no change on instrument Z. Conversely, a program increasing utility by a smaller amount, B, will result in a large recorded increase in utility from ‘bl’ to ‘cl’. Importantly, a validation study measuring both true and recorded utility (points along the step function) would produce a high correlation.
Figure 3 Construct validity To illustrate these figures consider a mobility instrument consisting of three questions. (i) I have no pain (ii) I have mild pain (iii) I have extreme pain This instrument would produce a significant correlation with a validated pain instrument as the two responses would each attract the patients closest to it. Despite the high correlation the item clearly lacks sensitivity to gradations and types of pain (content invalidity). |