

AQOL-8 has 8 items and is an abridged version of the AQoL-4D.

AQoL-8 questionnaire

Scoring the AQoL-8 (SPSS)






  • 4 separately scored dimensions, each with 2 items.
  • A simple global ‘utility’ score




  • Independent Living - daily activities and mobility;
  • Relationships - social relationships and family role;
  • Senses - hearing and communication.
  • Mental Health - worrying and pain.




Descriptive System:

  • AQoL-4D was developed using Exploratory and Confirmatory factor Analysis of the construction item bank  completed by a representative sample of 112 members of the public across SEIFA groups and 143 hospital patients. Items were collected from 14 independent Qol scales, iterative consultations with clinicians, researchers and population focus groups.
  • AQoL-8 is a reduced and re-analysed form of the AQol-4D (12 items reduced to 8)


Scaling System:

  • TTO interviews were done to develop the AQoL-4D with 350 randomly selected members of the public across SEIFA groups to determine utility weights for items, dimensions and AQoL “all worst”. No extra interviews were done for the AQol-8.
  • Multiplicative models to combine items into dimensions.
  • Multiplicative model to combine dimensions into a global index.




  • AQoL-8 takes 1-2 minutes to complete.



Research team

  • The original AQoL-4D researchers were J Richardson (team leader), G Hawthorne, H McNeil. The AQoL-8 was developed by G Hawthorne and was formerly administrated by the Centre for Participant Report Outcomes at Melbourne University.