AQoL8D Test-retest reliability coefficients can be found in: 
Richardson, J., Iezzi, A. (2011). Psychometric validity and the AQoL 8D Multi attribute utility instrument. Centre for Health Economics, Monash University, Melbourne.


Table 3 from that paper is reproduced here. This table provides intraclass correlation coefficients for the instrument and its dimensions for reapplication of the AQoL8D instrument after two weeks and after one month.


Table 3 Test-Retest reliability: intra class correlation coefficients (ICC)




AQoL8D internal consistency reliability estimates can be found in:
Richardson, J, Elsworth, G, Iezzi, A, Khan, M, Mihalopoulos, C, Schweitzer, I, Herrman, H. (2011). Increasing the sensitivity of the AQoL inventory for the evaluation of interventions affecting mental health. Centre for Health Economics, Monash University, Melbourne.


Table 5 from that paper is reproduced below.

Scale/Dimension Cronbach's Alpha
Whole AQoL8D instrument 0.97
Independent Living 0.81
Happiness 0.92
Mental Health 0.92
Coping 0.85
Relationships 0.90
Self-worth 0.87
Pain 0.85
Senses 0.54


Results reported in Table 5 are satisfactory except for ‘Senses’ where items were retained for substantive reasons despite the poor fit.