Obtaining VisQoL score and predicted AQoL-7D utility
The AQol-7D is made up of the following 7 dimensions:
1. Independent Living
2. Relationships
3. Mental Health
4. Coping
5. Pain
6. Senses
7. VisQoL
The VisQoL is a six item dimension (items 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 26) for measuring the quality of life associated with visual impairment.
Raw Data entry: The first response in any item, the item best, is entered as ‘1’, the second as ‘2’, third as ‘3’ and so on.
AQoL-7D Predicted Utility = exp (-1.089250 + (0.756730 x VisQoL Dimension Value))
Alternately, using the 5 raw scores in equation B (The score for item 24 is insignificant) AQoL-7D Predicted utility = exp (-0.007715 – (0.028823 x aqol21) – (0.056232 x aqol22) – (0.027130 x aqol23) – (0.039109 x aqol25) – (0.038673 x aqol26))
Note: If you are experiencing any problem in executing the algorithm please contact the AQoL team.
Richardson, Iezzi, Peacock, Sinha, Khan, Misajon and Keefe. (2012) Utility weights for the Vision-related Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) 7D instrument. Opthalmic Epidemiology, 19:3, 172-182. doi: 10.3109/09286586.2012.674613 |